Initial Ideas
I initially started my ideas by thinking of the things I love the most such as cacti. Different designs were drawn out in pencil although I stuck with the cactus shape because the shape is original and the facial placement can be altered. The cactus themed shape with two branches coming from the sides continued throughout my initial ideas which were slightly altered each time including colours, pattern and the facial features of the shape.
I created a new sheet of initial ideas to focus on my favourite design by altering the shape and colours of each one until I were completely satisfied with one.
Testing and Development
I used cardboard to create my mask with acrylic paint using minimalistic bright colours. The shape and placement of the eyes on design represented how I were feeling on the day as I were feeling fuzzy and slightly spiky (like a cactus). The yellow pieces were going to be stuck around the outline although the colour didn't work well with the cardboard background.
Final Response
For my final response I had different ideas of where to take the photograph which were either a tropical looking area or the complete opposite such as a grey road surrounded by grey looking people wearing grey suits to represent how I feel when everything around me looks the same. I decided to go with the exotic theme although the image is slightly ruined by the buildings in the background as well as the grey weather. My personal favourite is the mask peeking around the tree as the mask has a lot more character than in the other two photographs.