Selecting just a few social issues is so difficult because there are so many problems that I'm passionate about and I'd love to be able to sort them all.
- World issue
- Close to home (Ireland)
- Republic of Ireland don't allow abortion (unless it depends on the woman's life), women have to come over to England illegally to get one although they risk prosecution.
- Most countries allow abortion WHEN it depends on the woman's life.\
- Less closely related to what the brief is asking (they're probably sick of seeing preachy stuff).
- Need to focus closely on how it affects humans.
- So far the feedback I've received on my work says it might be a bit too argumentative because veganism doesn't make you healthy.
- Maybe focus more on the environmental side of it and how it affects people in that way.
- Cattle ranching is the biggest cause of deforestation, as well as growing food for the cattle to eat.
- Some say that not eating meat could reduce world hunger, because the grain that is used to feed the animals which are then used for meat could be feeding people.
School Meals
- Recent change in law involving approximately 1 million children not being able to get free school meals due to their parents income (even when it is already low).
- This is an issue that I'm sure will be brushed under the carpet and passed in a subtle, unpublished way.
School Shootings
- Something a bit further from home although I am well aware of the issue.
- There have been 18 school shootings in America this year so far (being only 2 months in).
- Might be something I don't focus too much on because I'm more interested in issues that are closer to home or more general world issues.
Bedroom Tax
- Another thing that's been brushed under the carpet but still happens.