Saturday 24 February 2018

Socio-Political Research Ideas

Selecting just a few social issues is so difficult because there are so many problems that I'm passionate about and I'd love to be able to sort them all.


  • World issue 
  • Close to home (Ireland)
  • Republic of Ireland don't allow abortion (unless it depends on the woman's life), women have to come over to England illegally to get one although they risk prosecution. 
  • Most countries allow abortion WHEN it depends on the woman's life.\


School Meals 

School Shootings

  • Something a bit further from home although I am well aware of the issue.
  • There have been 18 school shootings in America this year so far (being only 2 months in).
  • Might be something I don't focus too much on because I'm more interested in issues that are closer to home or more general world issues.

Bedroom Tax

The Berkeley Protest Poster Workshop 

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