Friday 9 March 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Study Task INDUSTRY RESEARCH (Group Presentation)

Some useful links:

Industry Facts

  • Editorial illustration is one of the most well known forms of illustration as it is seen most regularly by the general public in newspaper and magazine articles.
  • Imagery alongside articles first started appearing in the 19th Century.

Online Resources


  • Digital/Interactive work (as newspapers and magazines become more and more of an online resource).
  • Social Awareness - an obvious one with editorial, people are becoming a lot more aware of social issues (especially women's rights and cruelty towards animals).

Case Studies 

  • Its Nice That 
  • The New York Times 
  • Anorak 
  • Sophy Hollington 
  • Leslie Herman 
  • Anthony Russo 
  • Luba Lukova 
  • Paul peter Piech

Resources I need to find:

  • The most up to date issues. 
  • How the editorial illustration industry works.

How do these concerns relate to your practices?

Being up to date on social issues is a huge area of concern for editorial illustration, keeping up to date with these issues can involve reading newspapers and researching into the issues you're passionate about.
Email people in the editorial industry and ask some questions (which is something I'm doing as part of PP Studio Brief 2).

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