Monday 12 November 2018


What do I like?

  • Halloween 
  • Politics 
  • Plants 
  • Reading (classic literature, fiction, horror)
  • Veganism 

Some favourite books:

Naive Art

Listening to feedback last year I looked further into naive/primitive and outsider art in hopes to further understand and extend my own practice. The appearance of my work often expresses 'naivety' and I hope to apply this to more serious literature such as American Psycho to almost add an innocence to the character. This may make my audience initially question the work, but when they look further their initial reactions will alter.

Naive Art:

  • 'Created by a person who lacks formal education/training that professional artists undergo' 
  • 'Recognised/imitated for its childlike simplicity/frankness.'
  • Often a flat rendering style with a rudimentary expression of perspective.


Henri Rousseau - Surprised!
Niko Pirosmani - Deer
Ivan Generalic - Unknown

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