Saturday, 10 November 2018

Updated Proposal/Statement of Intent

After feeling too awkward about eaves dropping on other people's conversations and watching their actions to produce work, I have decided to alter my proposal to something I am more comfortable with and enjoyed producing last year. 

Last year the 'About the Author' brief got me back into reading and I've been filling my bookshelf ever since. The work I produced during this brief has been commented on as some of my strongest work to date, which I can agree with. As well as this I also really enjoyed producing the work and would like to develop this further. 

Being a bit of a weirdo, one of my favourite books I have read in the last year was American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. The story is full of metaphors for the society that we have created today, Patrick Bateman repeatedly gets away with murder. Why? Because he is a rich, white male. 

I intend on creating a series of response to my personal favourite parts/quotes in the book. 

As well as this brief, I am planning on covering a number of different competition and live briefs such as the BICeBe Poster Call which goes back to my political routes. I also plan on responding to some editorial briefs as this is an area I am comfortable in and can produce quickly. 

Intent/Tone of Voice:

  • Making American Psycho seem almost childlike and humorous with the use of colour and simplified imagery, focusing on the strangest quotes and the most graphic scenes. 
  • Dark/dry sense of humour to capture the essence of Patrick Bateman's life.
  • Initially naive but upon further inspection the image is quite dark/gruesome/serious. (This applies to both American Psycho and editorial briefs)
  • The BICeBe brief - more of a positive tone of voice as its about women's empowerment (use bright colours but still integrate a sense of humour to make the work memorable).


  • American Psycho - horror, gore, treatment of women, gays and POC, 90s, yuppies, humour, naive.
  • Editorial briefs - depending on the brief (my usual approach is childlike responses to serious matters)
  • BICeBe Poster Call - women, empowerment, positive change in society.


  • People who have an interest in literature (American Psycho may extend into further books).
  • Horror fans 
  • Newspaper/article readers
  • Left wingers
  • Women of all generations BICeBe - but specifically those on social media that are more likely going to view the work on a regular basis).

Goals and Ambitions:

  • Produce a strong body of work to use in my portfolio to take with me into the future. 
  • Work more with moving image (essential for BICeBe brief) 
  • Create a series of prints in response to American Psycho (and possibly other books) similar to those from the Folio Society.
  • Make myself/others laugh

Practical Skills/Media/Formats:

  • Print (especially screen)
  • Intend to develop skills further in digital print to make work with the aesthetic of screen print that can be produced faster and more efficiently using Photoshop.
  • POSCA pens - using them more often and experimenting using more layers and colours with them. Seeing how they can produce texture and be altered digitally.

Potential Content/Outcomes:

  • Large body of experimental/playful development before producing finalised pieces of work. 
  • A series of prints in a Folio Society inspired format for American Psycho brief.
  • Quick responses to editorial briefs that have been produced in a small amount of hours/days.

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