How to Make Pictures - Frame
How can we place importance on certain information within the frame? - To make certain objects/information more important they can be made more prominent using by adding more detail, making the size bigger, brighter, different colour/tone, the location of the information within the frame and overlapping.
What are the benefits of overlapping objects in your composition and how is this best achieved? - Secondary objects can be overlapped by the more important information in the image. The most important object or information is then more prominent.
What role does the frame play in composing visual information within your image? - The frame of the image can be used to overlap and crop elements of the image which can completely alter the composition.
Practical Task
- Plan an image that contains and elephant, a butterfly and yourself
- Work in a frame and format of your own choice
- Create rough thumbnails in your sketchbook (minimum of three) and the final piece with black ink and a brush
Before creating the final piece I made roughs in my sketchbook to help produce the strongest possible composition as well as using a frame.
I enjoyed creating the roughs although I avoided drawing myself (especially face) the whole time. Should I have been more ambitious by daring to draw my face?
Probably yes.
Final Piece
Cropping is a strong point in this piece as you only see a limited area of me and the elephant although it is clear what each piece of information is. This is clear in the height as the arm is from the lower corner whereas the elephant appears to be looking down from the perspective I have chosen for my final piece.
I found shading the background quite difficult because of the ink drying and getting the colour correct every time. This could have been made easier if I cropped the image further making the elements bigger.
If I were to create the piece again I would make a more interesting composition using overlapping and cropping within the frame.
However, I believe I have used the idea of cropping well in my piece.
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