Wednesday 16 November 2016

Line Quality, Mark Making and Pattern

Different qualities of line using smooth, heavy, rough and light lines to create different patterns.

I wonder if these marks could be interpreted into my drawings as background patterns or to create more dimension?
I intend on trying these patterns in my drawings to give them more of a three dimensional approach. This could make my simple flat images look more professional and they could possibly be digitally enhanced using the patterns as my past digital pieces have looked flat.
What I'm going to do next is experiment with the mark making by adding them into my drawings to create light and shadow.

Sticking with the mythical creatures theme I have been continuing to develop Gary the Goblin by adding the mark making approaches.
The ink seems to be the weakest approach because of the lines being too thick to create the shadows in the drawing.
The pieces where I have used pencil have a lot more character in the drawings because of the texture created. These are my personal favourite out of the 4 drawings as the three dimensional approach looks the strongest when creating shadows.

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